This is the story of Magenta, a color who used to have true credibility, until recent technologies displayed that the color is "simply an optical illusion." Once it got kicked out of the previously 8 colors of the rainbow (and the visible light spectrum), it gradually faded from memory and ceased to be. Eternities later, a re-awakened yet slightly ghastly, selectively color-blind Magenta seeks to find the truth of who they are... or who they used to be.

A submission for MiniJam 111: Colors! Made in under 72 hours!

Credits for assets:

  • Kenney
  • Private Hell Production 
  • Sam Mattacott
  • toby3d
  • InspectorJ of
  • Newlocknew of
  • Soughtaftersounds of
  • LG of

Credits for tutorials and indirect moral support:

  • Pixel Overload
  • Brackeys
  • Code Monkey 
  • Thomas Brush
  • AdamCYounis
  • Jonas Tyroller
  • Blue Mask Games
  • Dan Pos - Game Dev Tutorials!
  • BMo
  • Chris’ Tutorials


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Nice platformer - narrative game!

Wait this was for 72 hours game jam? Wow, then this game is really nice!

Aww, thank you so much for playing, I'm super glad you enjoyed it and the little narrative!!

And yeah! It was my first game and game jam experience, too! It was a bit stressful but suuuuch a blast to make~~ Again, though, thank you so much for playing my humble hue-game, it really means a lot to me! <3

The game is interesting, for a jam game it is fun and has an interesting and unique concept.

Overall the art and the story are pretty good and well done, and it's interesting how the game combines teh "you are your own enemy" theme with it's story and partially with the gameplay. My only complaint would be that the story it's a little confusing and seems like a methapor but the game doesn't exactly explain of what, since the "colors" seem to be something else than that.

Thank you so much for the feedback!! I'm super glad you found my small game fun and interesting, it was also a blast to develop, especially as my first game jam, hehe~

I can see what you mean, though, with there being a slight disconnect/muddledness with the story and game progression! I'll try to focus on that in future projects, hehe~ But again, I want to thank you so so much for playing my game and for your feedback! It really helps me a lot to grow as a developer~ ^^

Thanks dude, glad i helped you! Pretty good job for soo little time, good luck in future projects.